Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Spotlight: Denis Waitley

Denis Waitley

There are those who inspire athletes, there are those who inspire business leaders, there are those who inspire us in politics, then there are those who just inspire us. Denis Waitley is one such person.

He is perhaps the foremost motivational speaker I have ever heard. I'm sure he didn't invent audio books - or in his case audio cassettes - but he is the best practitioner of the art. His series of Being the Best, the Psychology of Winning, and the Seeds of Greatness - all of which can be found at his web site Your Success Store - are the best examples of his craft.

There are several components to self-help, self-motivation, and self-improvement. You have "What to do" books, "Why to do it" books, and "Where to do it" books. But the most fundamental component is the "Wanting to do it" books. And Denis Waitley succeeds at this like no other. After listening to his tapes I dare you to feel like you can't succeed at anything.

Note: As of lately he's been on the Board of Directors with a company, USANA, that deals with healthcare products, weight loss products, and supplements. This company is currently under investigation. Also Denis Waitley himself has come under scrutiny for resume padding. I'll keep you posted. This will be a good topic for later "What to do when your Hero's Aren't so Heroic?"

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