Friday, September 5, 2008

Is Change Possible?

Yes, of course, or I wouldn’t have started this blog – or I would have given up long ago. The trick then becomes: How to change? What to change? And why change?

I recently read an interesting blog with the same issue - although in a slightly different forum – dealing with Career Change by
Mark McClure. Please read his entry: Your Career Is Your Own and You Form it?

He started me thinking on the purpose of this blog, and finally giving an intro into why I’m writing it, if not to explain to others, then certainly to clarify my own thoughts.

I believe change is possible but at a high price – a very high price. You have to BELIEVE change is possible. Why is this high price, because you have to believe – I mean really believe – that you are where you are because you want to be there.

Being on topic of current events - I recently heard John McCain’s acceptance speech talking about his time in confinement where he was “broken” by his captors. A very poignant point – and to some extent and not making light of the situation – you must literally “break” yourself of long held notions of “what” you think - you are, or “who” you think you are before any change can take place.

I’m not saying things don’t happen to people: jobs get lost, friends move away or die, fires destroy property, but I am saying you can be the best at what you do, or want to do.

There is book which I will go into later called “
Body for Life” by Bill Phillips. It’s a manually on how to become physically fit. There is one line in the book that I must share. To paraphrase the author: You may not become a world class body builder, but everybody has a “best” body.

Consequently, you may not become the wealthiest person, but everyone has a best wealth, you might not become CEO, but you have a best position, you may not {well you get the message}


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

Interested in your views on "Body For Life"... sounds like he's right on the money with 'best' body concepts.

I got the greatest pleasure from doing 100 push ups recently - first time since 1980 that I'd made a real effort to go beyond 80 or so at any one time.

Hurray for me! Lots of people I know can't do 10 at a time... but equally there are many, many who can bust 100 without breaking a sweat!!

None of us have "perfect" bodies - I think that's the whole point. Like a potter's clay we build the best body we can given time, chance and circumstances.