Monday, October 6, 2008

Gaming the System

I've been attempting to follow the Rich Idiot's guide since May of this year - well - it did get me started on this blog, and stumbled upon this related web-site: The Rich Idiot Game. An interesting concept to say the least. The game takes tasks - or to-do items - from the Rich Idiot book and puts them in game form. You complete the tasks and earn points for doing so, such as: write a mission statement (100 points), contact a financial planner (500 points).

Alas they started - as of October - charging $14.95/month to play the game. Boo-hoo. Why does everything cost $14.95/month on the web, anyway?

I can't really recommend joining unless you want to try it out for yourself - buyer beware. They still have a few kinks to work out. For the clever of us; maybe we can design our own games.

Lesson learned: If you make your tasks a game, it's not so bad (maybe you can reward yourself).

Bonus lesson learned: You don't have to make tremedious strides towards your goal everyday, just do one or two little things.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Alright, so I'm bit of an anarchist. Even though this site is suppose to give you motivational tips and tricks that I've come across along the way, I have a secret site You all are familiar with the inspirational posters found on company walls from Successories Inc. like "Teamwork - Together we can reach the heights of excellence and perform the extraordinary." (r). Well this site couldn't be more opposite. My new favorite is "Blogging: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few."
Yet in all these anti-inspirational themes there are grains of truth which are worth pondering on.
Lesson learned: Sometimes looking at the opposite of what you want to achieve, can make you think deeper than just focusing on the positive.