Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Success Tip: Toastmasters

You've heard about them, you may know people who are members. But have you ever really considered Toastmasters?

I was invited to attend Toastmasters about 10 or 11 years ago, but I didn't take up my co-worker's invitation. I thought - quite silly now - that Toastmasters was a group of cigar smoking, older gentlemen, like you use to see on Dean Martin's variety roast shows. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Toastmasters is made up of ordinary people - like your co-workers, or friends in what one has called a "laboratory of speech giving". In fact, my particular club is hosted by the Boy scouts of Glendale called - the Prepared Speakers.

I would urge you to look for clubs in your area and examine them - each club is made up of local people based on a theme - some are dinner clubs, some are affiliated with a particularly company, some are general in nature.

It's a good place to meet people, and practice speaking skills in a friendly, and unfettered atmosphere.

Are you a member? Do you have experience? Or if you have joined one recently I'd like to hear from you?


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