Friday, August 22, 2008

Spotlight: Harry Lorayne

Memory expert, magician, and self help guru - he's done it all...

I'd like to introduce you to my first self-help guru - Harry Lorayne. You may have heard of him on the Johnny Carson show, or inconjuntion with the famous basketball player Jerry Lucas.

I'm not sure how I came across the first book I read of his - about 30 years ago and counting, but it was an eye opener: The Memory Book. I learned how to memorize a list of 20-30 items by reading it only once, how to memorize a deck of cards (actually I only got to about 37 in a row), and how to memorize everyone you meet only once. It's a simple but affective system he's developed.

It taught me that we have - with the proper instruction - the ability to actually improve. Improve in anything weight, mind etc. It's a presumption of most self-help books that one can actually change. This book actually demonstrates that point (I'll save this idea for a later blog).

He also wrote a book called: Secrets of Mind Power originally written in the 50's or 60s. It was one of the first self-help books on the market. Although he would be what Stephan Covey ("Seven Habits of Highly Effective People") calls a practitioner of the Personality Ethic. That is by changing your personality you can be come successful. Yet there's something infectious regarding his writing

I recently looked him up on-line - and it's refreshing to see he actually has his own web-site ( and still going strong. He's actually something of a celebrity judging by the endorsements.

He's written many, many books on memory, magic, math skills, and the like. If you would more information or any list of his out-of-print books email at the above address.

Take a look at him, try out a few products and leave a comment I'd like to know what you think...


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